What is Vodacom Lesotho ConnectU? 🢗
Vodacom Lesotho ConnectU is a mobile service, aimed at offering access to the Internet Essentials at no data cost, and easing the access to data bundle purchases. That means that you can browse within ConnectU, even if you have depleted your data bundle and consumed all your credits.
What if I have a positive Data and Credit balance? 🢗
You can access Lesotho ConnectU when you have a positive balance and still not consume any of it. ConnectU is free of data charge, irrespective of your balance status.
What do you mean with the term Internet Essentials? 🢗
Looking at international researches and reports, it seems that 80% of a user’s Internet time is spent on 2 things: searching for things and reading the news. ConnectU has been built around these 2 pillars. It has a Search functionality allowing access to Knowledge and a News functionality allowing access to Information.
How can I access Lesotho ConnectU? 🢗
To access Lesotho ConnectU, you need to be connected to Vodacom’s data network. If you’re on a Wifi network, or connected to another mobile operator’s data network, you will not be allowed access to the service.
Vodacom Lesotho ConnectU is accessible at the URL connectu.africa/ls
Is it available for all types of devices? 🢗
ConnectU is available for all data-enabled devices, either smartphones or feature phones. The functionalities work alike for both types of devices.
Is it available for all types of browsers? 🢗
ConnectU is available for most type of browsers. Still there are some browsers (proxy ones) where zero-rating (the process of not charging data for browsing a site) does not work properly. For the best experience, we would suggest using browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, built-in device-specific browsers.
Why can’t I have access to a full news article or search result? 🢗
ConnectU allows free browsing for all content delivered within the service. Accessing a full article or a specific search result means that you need to leave the free environment of ConnectU and visit a website (or app) for which data charges will apply. In case you have positive credits, ConnectU will allow you to exit, informing you of the potential data charges. In case you have depleted all your data and balance credits, ConnectU will offer you the most fitting solution for you to continue your Internet experience.
Where does ConnectU sources news from? 🢗
ConnectU sources its news stories from local and international publishers (news agencies). Should you want to read a full story, ConnectU will redirect you to the original source.
How does the Search functionality of ConnectU work? 🢗
ConnectU is a service offered entirely for free to Vodacom subscribers. Hosting advertisements under ConnectU is a way to allow us keep offering the service at no data cost. Ads being served under ConnectU do NOT consume any of your available data or credit. As everything under ConnectU, it is offered in a data-free way.
I have some other questions? How do I contact ConnectU? 🢗
Feel free to Contact Us